The Commissioning Activists network is a closed group for individuals working in Children England member organisations who have an interest in the commissioning of children’s services. Its overall purpose is to help create a sustainable voluntary sector economy by enabling children’s charities to engage better with the commissioning process and to challenge bad commissioning practice. The idea for the network came out of discussions at our members' Annual Debate.

Via an email group, members can:

  • Share experience, strategy, concerns and good practice in commissioning
  • Ask the group for intelligence and advice to inform their advocacy and practice
  • Identify and track trends and changes in the commissioning landscape
  • Build consensus on issues and trends that require concerted challenge or action by the children’s voluntary sector

Membership of the network is open to any member of staff in an organisation which is a paying member of Children England, who has experience of providing commissioned children’s services or of working with commissioners. The network is run and moderated by Children England staff, who will approve applications for membership and maintain oversight of all discussions.

Read the full Terms of Reference for the Commissioning Activists network.

To request to join, give your name and work email address here. Children England will approve your request to join the network when we've checked you're part of a current member organisation.

Any other enquiries about the network should go to:
Chloë Darlington, Policy and Campaigns Manager, Children England.