Hello readers,

Hope you all had a lovely sunny Monday πŸ˜Š

If you read the last edition, I spoke about not needing the beginning of the month, season or any particular monumental moment to kick-start your productivity. With that being said, the one thing I do like about a new month is that I follow some really great young people on various social media platforms that posted some great March Affirmations.

An affirmation can be described simply as harnessing positive thinking. In essence, they are positive phrases or statements that you use to motivate yourself, encourage positive changes in your life or boost your self-esteem. If used consistently, it has been scientifically proven to help maintain a positive self-view, rather than just a cause-and-effect relationship, so its definitely habit to get into. So I thought I’d share some of the ones I've seen today.

So, without further ado, here is your small burst of positive affirmations to start your week as you mean to go on, ready to kick the world’s butt:

* Hustle Smart UK is an entrepreneurial and mindset focused podcast for young adults, free to listen and available on multiple streaming platforms. Their aim is to equip their viewers with the right tools and knowledge to become successful at their hustle. Their social media posts are often inspiring, and today's post shared the following affirmations for March:

* The RealTalk Blog was created to challenge the status quo of blogging and creative writing amongst young people by providing an open platform for discussion of key issues that often go unnoticed, such as mental health, education and current affairs. This month, they are posting an affirmation a day with today’s starting simply with:

So, want to create your own affirmation? Lisa Cherry, one of my favourite experts in the children's sector recently shared this image which she suggested for setting up positive thinking for the week and encouraging self-care. I think this could be a great starting point to create your own:

That’s it from me, I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of #makethemostofmonday. If you feel you’re doing something super positive that should be included in next week's edition, drop us a line at [email protected]. I hope you have a lovely rest of your week and this has inspired you to not only keep going until Friday, but to give it your best possible shot 😊