Listen To My Voice is a toolkit and guide to consulting with children and young people, in particular those facing challenges to engagement through special educational needs and/or disabilities. This Stoke-on-Trent toolkit and guide is now available online:

Download Listen To My Voice

If you want to include the e-resource on your own website, please contact Sue Thomas.

The project is working with service providers, schools and children/young people to define quality in engagement, expand the Are We Getting It Right statements into an easy-to-use planning tool. It has also published Supporting the Engagement of Parents, Carers and Guardians providing guidance on how we support parents of these children and young people, identifying where they get support and how that links to the strategic planning structures within the City. 

We can provide training in your own area to enable you to:

Explore the rights of children and young people to be listened to and what that means in practice for those with significant communication difficulties.

  • Identify and challenge barriers and identify best practice in strategic engagement in your local authority
  • Identify the issues of current legislation and the impact of that on the way we record and use information/views of children and young people with disabilities and/or special educational needs and their parents
  • Explore the benefits and methods of working with others to provide positive experiences of participation and engagement activities for the children and young people and the services that work with them.

If you want further information, please contact [email protected].