Children England has completed the first of our Listen To My Voice project new partnership training series – Exploring Transitions - which consists of three-hour workshops.

The initial event has taken place for relevant service managers, with two more all-sector service sessions planned for September and one for parents in early October. Anyone interested in this training should get in touch with Sue Thomas. (Please note: there is a cost for services outside of Stoke on Trent.)

The outcomes of the training:

  • Identify some of the challenges for young people with SEN and/or disabilities, and those working with them, as they transition to adulthood
  • Look at collaborative ways to help break down these barriers ensuring that the voice of young people is taken into account and understood by services
  • Explore some of the informal ways to increase understanding of their aspirations and needs
  • Identifying services across all sectors working with young adults facing service transitions and the journey our young people take from 0-25 (The Transition Journey)
  • Identify ways to maximise current resources to improve practice
  • Identify a definition of ‘special needs’ from ones being provided that meets the understanding of those working with children, young people and young adults through the Code of Practice for SEND, Care Act, Children and Families Act and others to prevent misunderstanding at various transition points